Členská sekce



Want to expand your Power BI knowledge and skills?
If so, I have the perfect solution for you.

I train beginners and advanced students, in person, online and combined. In addition, you can choose between Czech and English. Or we can put together a course tailored to your needs.


2 trainings

MS Excel

Do you use MS Excel to evaluate your data? Did you know that this application with Power BI complements each other and, when set up correctly, allows you to more easily collect, analyze and visualize your data in less time?

Choose one of the courses and improve your reports to the maximum.

MS Excel - data preparation for Power BI

Do you analyze data in Excel and have at least a basic understanding of Power BI?

In this training, I will guide you through basic data preparation to creating a source for Power BI.

For anyone with advanced knowledge of MS Excel and a desire to learn.

We then recommend training – Power BI for beginners.

  1. 1. What data volumes to have in Excel (rows, columns, MB)
    2. Does it matter where the Excel files are stored?
    3. Structured vs. unstructured resources
    4. Data types vs. formats
    5. How many files will we want to load?
    6. Are there calculations in the tables?
    7. How will Power BI handle errors?
    8. Will we want to historicize data in Power BI?
    9. Will the report serve for several years?
    10. Will Excel tables change?
    11. Is it necessary to restrict individual viewers when viewing the report (RLS)?
    12. Older versions of XLS
    13. Locked, Passwordd, Encrypted Files
    14. Have source data in matrices or just classic tables?
    15. Basic philosophy and evolution of Power tools
    16. Why very carefully on Svyhledat, Xlookup, etc.
    17. External add-ins in Excel
    18. When is it better to use macros and when to use Power tools
    19. Basic philosophy and evolution of Power tools
    20. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

MS Excel - work with large volumes of data

Big files, lots of lines, lots of sheets…

Do you know it too?

In this training, I will teach you how to get the best possible output from Excel and at the same time not overload the memory or CPU of your device.

For anyone with advanced knowledge of MS Excel and a desire to learn.

We recommend the following training – Power BI for beginners.

  1. Introduction to working with large volumes of data
    • Excel files over 20MB and what’s wrong with them
    • Excel files over 100K rows and what’s wrong with them
    • Excel files with 100 or more sheets and what’s wrong with them
  2. Working with exports from the system in Excel
  3. Smart Tables
  4. Advanced data validation
  5. Cleaning data using functions (advanced text functions)
  6. Excel error handling (advanced informational and logical functions)
  7. Advanced logic and search problems
  8. Analysis and evaluation of formulas (formula dependencies, evaluation, peephole, cyclic dependencies)
  9. Advanced work with pivot tables (pivot tables over OLAP and PP OLAP)
  10. Creating dashboards in Excel
  11. New types of graphs and visualizations
  12.  Security or mostly leaky “helper”
  13. In-depth comparison of two Excel files (we can detect all differences)
  14. When is it better to use macros and when to use Power tools
  15. Basic philosophy and evolution of Power tools
  16. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

8 trainings

Power BI

Power BI is a great tool for analyzing and visualizing data. Thanks to it, you will get a better overview of your business. Are you just getting started with this tool or don’t know how to use its full potential?

Choose from the following trainings and learn to use your data to the fullest!

Power BI for beginners

Getting started with Power BI? This training is right for you. I’ll help you set up and use Power BI desktop.

The course will teach you basic transformations of your data, modeling them and then creating simple reports from them.

For all beginners who already work with Excel
and they want to take their reporting and knowledge to a completely different level.

We recommend training afterwards – Power BI for advanced.

  1. Samples of what a Power BI report looks like and what it is good for
    • Power BI options – for colleagues, management, customers, etc.
    • How to operate – filters, interactions, drill down, tooltips, etc.
    • Collaboration with Excel
  2. Description of the Power BI Desktop window
    • Preferences
    • Assembly
    • Data
    • Model view
  3. The creation of a new simple report itself
    • Connection to common data sources
      • Excel
      • CSV
      • Website
    • Data types and formats
    • Introduction to Sessions
    • Creation of simple visuals – table, graph, filter, etc.
  4. Introduction to Power Query (Transformation window)
    • Introduction to the tool and its description
    • Basic operations
      • Removing rows
      • Remove columns
      • Split and join columns
      • Filters
      • Data types
    • Options for working with a query
  5. Working with multiple pages
  6. View, export and print options
  7. Compatibility with Excel application
  8. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

Power BI pro pokročilé

Already working with Power BI, but still not quite there? Do you want to learn advanced techniques for working with data, modeling and their visualization?

Sign up for advanced training and take it to the next level.

For all users who already work with Power BI
and want to take their reporting and knowledge even further.

This course follows on from – Power BI for Beginners.

We recommend following the training – Visualization of data in Power BI.

  1. Advanced application preferences regarding data model and latest features
  2. Connecting to multiple data sources and non-standard sources
  3. Power Query (Transformation window) in more detail
    • Advanced transformations
      • Unpivot
      • Joins
      • Appendy
      • Combine
    • Loading from folder
    • Import vs. Direct query
    • Compatibility with Excel
  4. Session in more detail
    • Relation types (1:1, 1:N, M:N)
    • Cross filters
    • Active vs. inactive session
    • Referential Integrity
  5. Visualization
    • Pivot tables
    • More advanced built-in visuals
    • Map visuals
    • KPIs, cards, alarms and more
    • Custom visuals
  6. Interaction between visuals
  7. Drill through
  8. Tooltips
  9. Introduction to DAX – DAX column vs. DAX measure
  10. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

Data visualization in Power BI

Do you want to learn how to create reports that engage your audience while reflecting your corporate identity?

I will teach you how to effectively visualize your data using various tools and techniques according to current trends and possibilities.

Sign up today and increase the value of your reports.

For every user who wants to improve their dashboards.

We recommend training afterwards – Power BI web service for beginners.

  1. Examples of finished graphic design in Power BI
    • Light design
    • Dark design
  2. Choosing a suitable font
  3. Working with colors and backgrounds
  4. Header and Footer
  5. Creating the opening page of the report
  6. Corporate identity – correct font, colors, etc.
    • JSON vs. PBIT
    • PBIT vs. PBIX
  7. Correct layout of objects on the report side
    • Headings
    • Filters
    • Logo?
    • Separation of individual parts of the page
    • Power BI Enhancers
  8. Text field in Power BI
  9. Hypertext links
  10. Buttons (navigation between pages, bookmarks, etc.)
  11. Conditional formats (colors, headings, etc.)
  12. Selected custom visuals (how to find, explore and use them)
  13. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

Power BI web service for beginners

Do you create reports and need to share them with others? Are you concerned about whether your data is sufficiently protected?

As an environment management expert, I will show you how to use the Power BI web service. Together we will go through the settings of all the necessary parameters so that you can safely and fully manage or publish your reports.

For everyone who needs to share reports and wants to set everything up correctly.

We recommend training afterwards – Power BI web service for advanced users.

  1. What all needs to be prepared/set up before publishing
    • Report settings
    • Mobile design
    • Security (RLS, etc.)
  2. The process of publishing from a Desktop window to a web service
  3. Post-Publish Review and Options
  4. Introducing the Power BI web service (view using different roles)
    • Differences between FREE, PRO, PPU, Premium, Fabric
    • Technical access and settings
    • Workspace types
      • My workspace
      • App workspace
      • Premium app workspace vs. Fabric workspace
      1. Workspace settings
        • Manage permissions, subscriptions, datasets, dataflows, etc.
        • Settings and update history
        • Gateway settings
        • Credentials, parameters, etc.
        • Certifying datasets and other tips
      2. How to create an app and what it will help us to do
        • App name, description, logo, theme, contact information
        • Creating navigation – reports, links, etc.
        • Audiences with different options for different groups
        • RLS (security)
        • Control Panels
        • Sharing with others
      3. Working with the application
      4. Dataset and dataflow sharing
      5. Preparation of metrics (goals)
      6. Introduction to Pipelines
      7. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

Power BI web service for advanced users

Do you work with the Power BI web service, but names like Workspace admin or Capacity admin mean nothing to you?
Do you want to take working with your data to the next level? If so, this training is right for expanding your knowledge.

Learn how to tackle advanced setup and management today by enrolling in this course.

For all users, developers, administrators who already have advanced knowledge of Power BI and Power BI web services.

This course is a follow-up to – Power BI Web Service for Beginners.

We recommend training afterwards – Power BI (Fabric) administration.

  1. Creating a new app workspace (name, description, image, capacity, permissions)
    • Application
    • Application templates (projects)
    • Azure Connection
      • Storage
      • Log analytics
      1. Working with workspace roles (Admin to Viewer)
      2. Dataflows
        • Staging dataflows
        • Transformation dataflows
        • Graduated or certified dataflows
        • Import vs. Direct query mode
        • Backup
        • Differences from dataflow Gen2
        • Dataflow catalog
      3. Promotion of Datasets
      4. Introduction to Datamarts
      5. Introduction to Fabric
      6. Pipelines
        • Setting up and working with pipelines
        • Tips and tricks
      7. Troubleshooting auto-update issues
      8. How to find problematic datasets
      9. Workspace backup
      10. Tenant refresh summary
      11. Introduction to the premium capacity app
        • CPU, Duration, Size
        • Performance profile
        • Interactive vs. Background
      12. Premium Log analytics app
        • Finding a problem report > sides > visual > DAX measure
      13. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

Power BI optimization & performance tuning

Are your reports bulky, slow and error-prone?

They won’t be from now on!

As an experienced developer, I will guide you through the possibilities of optimizing data models using external Power BI tools. We will show simulations of problematic reports as well as practical solutions for overloaded web service capacity.

For advanced users with knowledge of the M language and at least basic knowledge of the DAX language.

This course follows on from – Power BI for Advanced.

We recommend training afterwards – Power BI web service for beginners.

  1. What do I need report optimization (and web services) for
  2. What are the options and techniques for optimizing/tuning reports
  3. Using the Capacity app that can help
  4. Using a LOG analytics application that can help
  5. Performance analyzer
  6. External Power BI optimization tools
    • DAX Studio
    • Tabular editor
    • Well done
    • ALM Toolkit
    • Measure Killer
  7. How can heavy load/capacity overload occur and why it is necessary to solve it
  8. Simulation of problematic reports
  9. How to work with developers
  10. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

Power BI (Fabric) administration

Do you want to become a master in Power BI (Fabric) administration?

This course will teach you everything you need to know. You will learn how to handle the entire Power BI environment with hundreds of reports, settings and security.

You will find out how to speed up and make reports more efficient for yourself and for other administrators.

The course is designed for Power BI (Fabric) administrators.

This course is a follow-up to – Power BI Web Service for Advanced.

  1. Choosing a suitable environment and licensing
    • Shared(PRO/PPU) vs. Premium(A/P) vs. Fabric
    • When do we need a lot of finance and when can it be cheap?
  2. Tenant settings and what is good not to underestimate
    • Tenant settings
    • Tenant workloads
    • Tenant statistics
    • Corporate visuals, branding, etc.
  3. Settings and tools for individual capacities
    • Admin monitoring
    • Monitoring Hub
  4. Have a production and pre-production environment?
  5. How to build a PRE-PROD concept
  6. Efficient use of data in a web service
  7. Enterprise reporting
  8. Monitoring Shared vs. Premium
  9. Admin REST API
  10. Why and how a developer can be the weakest link in the chain
  11. High workload of the web service and how to solve it
  12. Web service overload
    • How it can arise
    • What can be considered a problem report
    • Identifying and resolving congestion
    • Examples of how to (not) screw it up
  13. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

Power BI workshop

Already using Power BI? Not sure if you are working correctly in the program or just want to check your existing reports?

I will tailor this workshop to your needs and requirements. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, sign up today and get the most out of your data.

For beginners and advanced Power BI users who want to work directly on their data.

The course is limited to a maximum of 10 participants.

The course syllabus is compiled according to the current needs and requirements of the participants.

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

1 training

MS Fabric

MS Fabric is a unique enterprise analytics platform that combines Power BI, Azure Synapse and Data Factory. As an experienced consultant, I will guide you through this platform. Together we will discover the possibilities that this platform offers and increase your competitiveness in the market.

MS Fabric

If you are involved in data warehousing or analytics engineering and use Power BI Premium, then this training is for you.

MS Fabric enables you to connect and process data from different sources into a unified data lake, allowing you to explore data in a new way and gain valuable insights for your decision making. We’ll walk through the tools of this platform together and take a look at the features that will help you optimize your costs and increase your productivity.

Apply today!

For Power BI (Fabric) premium users.

This course is a follow-up to – Power BI Web Service for Advanced.

  1. Fabric Capacity and Licensing Settings
  2. Fabric workspace
  3. Description and work with individual Fabric tools and services
    • Data Factory – Dataflow Gen2, Data pipeline
    • Synapse Data Engineering – Lakehouse, Notebook, Spark Job, Data pipeline
    • Synapse Data Science – Model, Experiment, Notebook
    • Synapse Data Warehouse – Warehouse, Data pipeline
    • Synapse Real-Time Analytics – KQL Database, KQL Queryset, Eventstream
  4. Direct lake mode
    • Benefits
    • Differences compared to import and Direct query
  5. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

2 trainings

Languages - M / DAX

In addition to SQL, MDX, Python or R, you will encounter M and DAX in Power BI.

The M language is ideal for data acquisition, transformation and cleansing.
DAX, on the other hand, is great for data modeling.

In these courses, I will teach you how to use both of them practically.

Do you work in Power Query? Do you want to be able to prepare and transform your company data?

Sign up for the M language training, which is the key to working effectively with data in Excel and Power BI.

I will teach you how to write the right queries to get data from different sources such as files, databases, web services or APIs.

The training is intended for users of Excel or Power BI who have a basic knowledge of working with data and want to expand their skills in the field of data analysis and visualization.

M language I. - Power Query

For advanced Excel users who are not afraid to write functions. Knowledge of power BI is not a requirement.

  1. Power query philosophy and sample options
  2. Working with the Query window
    • Names (Query, steps, columns)
    • Formula bar
    • Formula dependencies
    • Column quality and profile
    • Data types and their effect on the query
    • Filters
    • Duplicate query vs. Linked query
    • Query not loaded
  3. Difference between transform and add column tabs
  4. Source table vs. Matrix
  5. Connecting and working with classic types of sources/exports – Excel, CSV, SharePoint, web
  6. Basic operations
    • Reducing the number of columns
    • Reducing the number of lines
    • Split and join columns
    • Substitution values
    • Conditional columns
    • Formatting
    • Other useful features
  7. Dimensions and fact tables in the query
  8. Combining queries – JOIN
    • VLOOKUP vs. Join
    • Types of Joins
  9. Connecting queries – append
  10. Group By and its benefits
  11. Parameters
  12. Loading from folder
  13. Query management
    • Resource change (different name or file path)
    • Change or update permissions
  14. Loading options to the Desktop window
  15. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

Working with big data will be a piece of cake for you.

The DAX language allows you to perform advanced calculations and queries on data in tabular data models. I will show you where we can meet the DAX language everywhere.
We will look at the basic principles and concepts of this language, how to work with temporal functions such as WoW, MoM and others.

DAX language I.

For advanced Excel users who are not afraid to write functions. Basic knowledge of Power BI is required here.

This course follows on from – Power BI for Beginners.

  1. What is DAX and its philosophy
  2. Where can we find DAX (desktop options)
    • Power BI Desktop
    • Power Pivot
    • Analysis services
    • DAX Studio
  3. Operators
  4. Statements
  5. Explanation of individual DAX areas
    • DAX calculated columns
    • Measures
      • Implicit measures
      • Quick rates
      • Basic measures – SUM, COUNT, AVERAGE, etc.
      • X function
      • VAR – RETURN
      • Advanced time functions
      • CALCULATE and FILTER functions
    • DAX Tables and their use
    • DAX queries
    • What not to do in DAX
  6. Evaluation context
    • Filter context
    • Line context
    • Internal and external context
    • Interactions and Inactive Sessions
  7. Calendar creation and other examples
  8. Discussion

1 day (6 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined

1 trainings


Turn your data into a story.
Data is the foundation of every report, but it doesn’t always capture and convince your audience. Learn to tell a story, at the end of which we find unique and effective solutions.

Do you want to improve your company reports?

Do you work with a large amount of data and need to present it effectively and convincingly? Want to learn how to engage and influence your audience with the power of story?

All of this is possible thanks to storytelling in Power BI, and together with my colleague Olga Rudáková, we will show you how!
You’ll learn how to create data stories that answer key questions, show key trends, and compare your results to competitors or the market.

Storytelling in Power BI

For anyone who analyzes data and prepares dashboards.

  1. Why do we need dashboards and how should they serve us: definition and purpose of a dashboard.
  2. Design thinking method for dashboard creation.
    • Empathy: talk to users and understand their problems and needs
    • Defining: you decide what dashboard you will create and what problems it will solve
    • Thinking: choose the key elements of your dashboard
      • Main and related KPIs
      • Business context and drivers
      • Level of detail and timeline
      • Breakdowns and Filters
    • Prototyping: sketch out your dashboard and tell a data story in it
      • Data and non-data pixels
      • Why everything should fit on one screen
      • The most effective types of visuals for dashboards
      • How to properly position and align dashboard elements
      • How to use colors
    • Test: monitor user response and adjust the dashboard
      • How to test content understanding
      • How to test the quality of visual elements
      1. Sample of the result we are aiming for in Power BI
      2. Get to know the environment and data in Power BI
      3. Connection, modification and cleaning of data (in the case of client data)
      4. The actual creation of visuals (types of visuals, size of page and visuals, location, etc.)
        • Slicer
        • KPI cards (samples of various options)
        • Sparkline vs. line chart
        • Zížala (bullet graph) vs. bar chart type (bar chart)
        • Band chart as an alternative to breakdowns
        • Column chart, funnel chart and others.
      5. Tuning visuals
        • Graphics (colors, font style, font size, axis labels, title, etc.)
        • Formats of numbers, dates, etc.
      6. Corporate identity in Power BI
      7. Visual separation of tiles on the side
        • Lines and frames, text boxes, images
        • Distance between visuals and alignment
      8. Recommended tips and tricks, discussion

1 day (8 hours)

Face-to-face, online, combined